The issues related to the inclusion of groups defined as marginalized in society is something that grows and gets more and more established. In this concept, Inclusive Marketing emerges, with the aim of adhering to social causes, understanding the diversity of human beings and committing to actions that support the values of consumers.
The importance of inclusion and looking at social and racial minorities, gender issues, different bodies, culture, among other aspects, becomes a benefit for both the company and its customers, who feel represented and valued.
It is important to emphasize that Inclusive Marketing is not the use of cultures, races, sexuality, etc. in an attempt to gain visibility, but rather to expand the public, in order to include and expand the consumer market for a brand. In some cases, this can create opportunistic marketing, with no real interest in the historical load and without social impact, so it is essential to know in depth the diversity and the real need of the different groups so that this misunderstanding does not happen.
Today, everyone wants to see themselves and feel represented in the media. An example of a brand that recently achieved this representation was Band-Aid (Johnson & Johnson), which announced on its Instagram account the launch of a line of adhesive bandage for different skin tones.
Brands need to adapt to this new Inclusive Marketing, therefore the importance of market research and a better understanding of the diversity of their consumers.
InLight Research is constantly optimizing its planning so that together with clients and partners we can build solid, profitable and long-lasting brands and businesses.
Text: Nicole Lopes
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